Turn On a Light

Here we are at the darkest time of year, in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I realized recently that, in all of my preparations of cleaning, decor, presents, and menus, my key daily spiritual practices got edged out. When I finally paused to check in with myself this week, I drew a blank. I found myself sitting in quiet darkness, wondering when the soul would show up and what it would teach me. 

I thought about what I could do to connect again with that part of myself needing attention. As I waited in open prayer it finally occurred to me that all I had to do, to get out of the darkness, was turn on a “light.” That “light” could be opening up an encouraging book, calling a dear friend, journaling from my heart, playing guitar, singing from my soul, taking a walk in nature, and so forth. 

We all have ways to access the light… people, places, exercises and rituals. These are the sources of visibility in our lives… the metaphorical light switches, flames, sunshine and stars… that help us see and tend to our souls. And for those in the Christian tradition, the light that God bestowed upon the world through the life of Jesus comes to mind, as we remember again this time of year that the God is on the way to meet us… every time. 

Where do you find yourself at this dark time of year? What forms of light can you call upon to illuminate your path? 

May you be inspired!

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